Friday, 3 February 2012

New Video Inspiration

Because I have chosen to change my selected track for making a video too I decided looking at some more music videos which are more relevant may be useful. Below are some existing videos which I have seen and being inspired by.

1) Cursive - I Couldn't Love You Anymore

The above video has greatly inspired me due to the location of it mainly and the lighting, the whole mise-en-scene is visually appealing as something I'd like to try to re-create. I like the way the video goes through a story which matches in with the song without being too story based, it's still quite abstract. There's a use of close up shots and long shots used together which I would like to use in my own video to add effect and give a sense of intimacy.

2) Scroobius Pip - Sick Tonight

I have found the above video recently and saw that it uses a similar principle to my idea with the full head masks. This has inspired me on how to use my head to better effect in some different locations. I also like the animation effects used here.

3) Metronomy - You Could Easily Have Me

I like the above video due to it's fast pace and how this fits with the music. Again, I like the use of masks, this time animal masks to conceal identity and give the video some added 'edge'. I would like to emulate this type of feel in my own production.

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